News & Events
13 April 2023
An Accredited Specialist in Family Law is a legal practitioner who has demonstrated a high level of competence and expertise in the area of family law. Accredited Specialists in Family Law have undergone additional training and passed rigorous assessments set by the Law Society.
Previous Articles
22 March 2022
Family Trusts can be a very effective at building and protecting wealth, including generational wealth. The clear benefit of a family trust is that it may offer asset protection, income flexibility and significant tax advantages, providing benefits to your family.
25 January 2022
If you have recently become involved in Court proceedings relating to arrangements for children, you may have been ordered to participate in interviews for a Child Impact Report. Such reports are frequently ordered prior to an interim hearing in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia.
21 January 2021
Before applying to the court for Orders about children, you are required to engage in Family Dispute Resolution (FDR), such as mediation, and try to resolve the issues outside of court.
14 September 2020
The answer is: It depends.
6 August 2020
In response to the COVID-19 lockdown laws and social distancing guidelines, NSW Parliament has introduced the Electronic Transactions Amendment (COVID-19 Witnessing of Documents) Regulation 2020.various aspects of your estate/family situation, along with a few other reasons.
14 July 2019
This is a question which we are often asked by clients and the short answer is “Yes”.
The main reason why is the law of intestacy and its impact on various aspects of your estate/family situation, along with a few other reasons.
14 June 2019
Gift or Loan? The Family Courts are seeing a rise in cases involving third parties asserting an interest in property settlement between husband and wife.
15 May 2019
Since 2016, NSW has been transitioning to electronic conveyancing. The last stage of this transition is now almost upon us.